This page last changed on Jul 25, 2008 by stepheneb.

I moved the DIY code to a new svn repository. It is now located here:

DO NOT use this repository anymore.

I exported r534 of this repository directory:

Into this new subversion repository:

If you have ssh commit access to concord you can use this svn path:


There is also a public github synch of the subversion repository here:

If you have ssh commit access you can also grab a tar-gz archive of the intermediate git-svn clone here:

and use it with the git-svn command to update and commit directly from git to svn.

The new trac instance for the diy repository is here:

The history of the changes are not in the new repository but hey are available in the old repository and trac.

Because this is a brand new repository you can't use the svn switch command.

I used this command to get a list of files present in the local working copy of my old diy_rails_2.0.2 that do not exist in the checkout from the new repository:

diff -qr path/to/old/diy_rails_2.0.2 path/to/new/diy_rails_2.0.2 | egrep -v '(\.svn|\.DS_Store|\.rej|~$|\.tmp|\.log)'

Most of them (like config/database.yml) I copied over.

Here's how I converted a development DIY running from the older svn repository to using the newer repository.

converting the dev udl diy to the new diy repository on otto

cd /web/
svn co file:///home/subversion/diy/trunk udl-trunk

look for files that are 'Only in udl' (that's the original DIY):

diff -qr udl udl-trunk | egrep -v '(\.svn|\.DS_Store|\.rej|~$|\.tmp|\.log)'
Files udl/app/controllers/reports_controller.rb and udl-trunk/app/controllers/reports_controller.rb differ
Files udl/app/models/user.rb and udl-trunk/app/models/user.rb differ
Files udl/app/views/users/new.rhtml and udl-trunk/app/views/users/new.rhtml differ
Only in udl/config: database.yml
Only in udl/config: environment.rb
Only in udl/config: sds.yml
Only in udl/db: schema.rb
Only in udl/log: code.socket-0
Only in udl/log: code.socket-1
Only in udl/log: code.socket-2
Only in udl/log: code.socket-3
Files udl/README and udl-trunk/README differ
Only in udl-trunk/test/fixtures: otrunk_report_templates.yml
Only in udl-trunk/test/fixtures: reports.yml
Only in udl-trunk/test/functional: otrunk_report_templates_controller_test.rb
Only in udl-trunk/test/functional: reports_controller_test.rb
Only in udl-trunk/test/unit: otrunk_report_template_test.rb
Only in udl-trunk/test/unit: report_test.rb
Only in udl/tmp: production.sql
Only in udl/tmp:

these are the only files that need to be copied

cp udl/config/database.yml     udl-trunk/config/database.yml
cp udl/config/environment.rb   udl-trunk/config/environment.rb
cp udl/config/sds.yml          udl-trunk/config/sds.yml
cp udl/db/schema.rb            udl-trunk/db/schema.rb

now compare the latest environment.sample.rb with the one we just
copied over to see if anything needs to be updated

$ diff -u udl-trunk/config/environment.rb udl-trunk/config/environment.sample.rb
--- udl-trunk/config/environment.rb	2008-05-28 20:44:58.000000000 -0400
+++ udl-trunk/config/environment.sample.rb	2008-07-25 13:29:09.000000000 -0400
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@

 # This key is prefixed onto all the database tablenames.
 # This key is used to select the look and feel of the application
+RAILS_APPLICATION_KEY = 'diy' do |config|
   # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here.
@@ -73,20 +73,28 @@
   # see:
   config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false
+  # Before we add the gems unpacked into vendor/gems first see if there 
+  # is a newer version of RedCloth installed and get it on the load path first.    
+  begin
+    gem 'RedCloth', '> 3.0.4' 
+    require 'redcloth'
+  rescue Gem::LoadError 
+    # If this fails we'll use the RedCloth v3.0.4 in vendor/gems
+  end
   # This adds any Gems that may have been unpacked into vendor/gems to the load path
   # see:
   config.load_paths += Dir["#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/gems/**"].map do |dir| = "#{dir}/lib") ? lib : dir
 # uncomment this line if this application is served from a directory with other rails applications
-ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = '/' + RAILS_DATABASE_PREFIX.chomp('_')
+# ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = '/' + RAILS_DATABASE_PREFIX.chomp('_')
 # If you are using a relative_url_root and running rails through a fcgi process set
 # this envirnment variable so that urls (like a background-image in css) have the
 # right path. This hack isn't needed when serving from mongrel.
 # See:
-ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT'] = ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root
+# ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT'] = ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root

add what is needed – in this case it was just the section about the RedCloth gem

make sure lighttpd can write to the log dir

sudo chown apache:users udl-trunk/log
sudo chmod 775 udl-trunk/log

mv udl udl-backup
mv udl-trunk udl

now restart lighttpd
I'm not sure how to just shutdown the running udl and
start it back up in the new directory without restarting lighttpd

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